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A new era for n.b. marketing

n.b. marketing has been revamped with a new trading name and identity to reflect exciting developments.

Yes, times are changing, and like many other businesses across the UK we have had to adapt and diversify over the past 3 years. The way companies now market themselves has changed hugely. Advances in technology mean that more and more is being done online, through social media, mobile app and 24-hour technology. There's been a fundamental shift in how consumers access information about products and services. The strategy behind business development has become even more critical, while the implementation of marketing and communication has become increasingly reactive.

Our business is now focussed on providing strategic advice and coaching to business with an appetite for long-term, sustainable growth. Funding programmes, such as Growth Accelerator and Growth Vouchers, have provided a platform for businesses that want to growth at a stratetic level. We've worked and are working with some fantastic businesses as Growth Advisers and Coaches to help achieve incredible results, with some clients doubling in size within 6 months of working together.

We focus on helping companies structure, plan and organise themselves, specifically at Board or Senior Management Team, so that their business is in the best position to grow. We work to the principle that people are at the heart of any business and that a business is only as good as the leadership team in place.

Our new name and identity reflects these exciting changes, bringing is in line with the nature of our business and the customers we serve.

All you need to know about NBM Business Growth

You may be familiar with the Rule of Three – the theory that there is a psychological power to the number 3 and one that is often put to practice in marketing communication.

So it’s a happy coincidence that n.b. marketing is run by a team of three.

We are very proud of our reputation for giving exceptional service and value. We have worked for clients of all sizes across a broad range of industries and market sectors including Manufacturing, Tourism & Leisure, Construction, Cleaning & Hygiene, Education and Professional Services including  blue-chip brands  as well as companies, small businesses, schools and charities that operate in more niche and local markets.

We have the kind of first-hand knowledge of running a business that keeps us in tune with the daily challenges experienced by most business leaders.We are experienced in helping our clients find solutions to problems and take steps that lead to growth.

The Business Growth Team

NBM Business Growth Coaches, Paula Finch, Nigel Hemsill, Barbara Spiller

Barbara Spiller, MCIM

Marketing Specialist, Brand & PR Strategist, Business Development Advisor, NLP Practitioner

Paula Finch, FCMI

Business Development Specialist, Motivational Trainer, Speaker, Mentor, NLP Practioner

Nigel Hemsill 

Marketing and Design Specialist

Registered in England & Wales Reg. No. 5083917.
Registered Office: 36 Tyndall Court, Commerce Road, Lynch Wood, Peterborough PE2 6LR.